Meet our team

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Renata Berlin

founder & artistic director/ መሥራች እና የስነጥበብ ኃላፊ

Renata Berlin, Choral Conductor, is the Founder and Artistic Director of the Ethiopian Peace Choir - the first initiative of its kind in the Horn of Africa. She moved to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in the Summer of 2017, following three years of teaching and directing at Princeton University in New Jersey, USA. During her time at Princeton, she founded the William Trego Singers, conducted the Princeton University Glee Club and Chamber Singers, taught ear training and choral conducting, and maintained a private studio of students. This appointment followed the completion of a Master of Music in Choral Conducting at the Eastman School of Music in New York, USA. In 2015, Renata became the Director of Education Outreach at the Castleton Festival, and opera festival in Castleton, Virginia, founded by the late Maestro Lorin Maazel. In Rochester, New York, she conducted the Eastman Repertory Singers, Women's Chorus, and Chamber Choir. She frequently sang with the Rochester-area professional chamber choir, Voices. Previously, Renata trained as a pianist and earned her B.M. in Choral Music Education from DePauw University.

መራኄ ኅብረ-ዝማሬ የሆነችው ሬናታ በርሊን በአፍሪካ ቀንድ በዓይነቱ የመጀመርያ የሆነው የኢትዮጵያ የሰላም ኅብረ-ዘማሪያን ቡድን መሥራችና የኪነት መሪ ነች፡፡ ሬናታ በ2009 ክረምት ወደ አዲስ አበባ ከመምጣቷ በፊት፣ ለሦስት ዓመታት ዩናይትድ ስቴትስ፣ ኒው ጀርሲ ውስጥ በሚገኘው ፕሪንስተን ዩኒቨርሲቲ በማስተማርና በመምራት አሳልፋለች፡፡ በፕሪንስተን ቆይታዋ፣ የዊልያም ትሬጎ አቀንቃኞችን ቡድን መሥርታለች፤ የፕሪንስተን ዩኒቨርሲቲ ግሊ ክለብና ቻምበር አቀንቃኞችን ኅብረ-ዝማሬ መርታለች፤ ሙዚቃን የማድመጥ (የጆሮ) ክህሎትና የኅብረ ዝማሬ አመራር ትምህርት ሰጥታለች፤ እንዲሁም የተማሪዎች የግል ስቱዲዮን ለአገልግሎት አብቅታለች፡፡ ሬናታ ኒው ዮርክ ከሚገኘው ኢስትማን የሙዚቃ ትምህርት ቤት በኅብረ ዝማሬ መሪነት የ‹ማስተር ኦፍ ሚዩዚክ› ዲግሪዋን ያገኘች ሲሆን፣ እ.ኤ.አ. በ2015 ካስልተን፣ ቨርጂኒያ ውስጥ በሟቹ ማይስትሮ ሎሪን ማዜል በተመሠረተው ካስልተን ፌስቲቫል እና የኦፔራ ፌስቲቫል የትምህርት ሥርጭት ዳይሬክተር ሆና አገልግላለች፡፡ በሮቸስተር፣ ኒው ዮርክ፣ የኢስትማን ሪፐርቶሪ ዘማሪያን፣ የሴቶች ኅብረ-ዘማሪያን ቡድን እና የቻምበር ኅብረ ዘማሪያን መራኄ-ዝማሬ በመሆን ሠርታለች፡፡ ‹‹ቮይስስ›› ከሚሰኘው የሮቸስተር አጥቢያ ፕሮፌሽናል የኅብረ-ዝማሬ ቡድን ጋር አዘውትራ ትዘምራለች፡፡ ቀደም ሲል ሬናታ በፒያኖ አጨዋወት ሥልጠና ያገኘች ሲሆን፣


Selam-Amy Tadesse Hailu

Associate conductor / ረዳት የህብረ ዝማሬ መሪ

Selam-Amy Tadesse Hailu, a native of Ethiopia, has made a reputation in the country as a knowledgable music educator and accompanist. Having studied piano in her childhood with a number of instructors from across the globe and after completing her Nursing Diploma, Amy pursued a career in music. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Addis Ababa University’s Yared School of Music and immediately joined their faculty as a Graduate Assistant and Accompanist. She has devoted herself to the start of several ensembles, including the African Union Commission Choir and the Ethiopian Peace Choir. Amy is now the accompanist for the International Community School of Addis Ababa, while simultaneously pursuing dual Masters Degrees in Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy, as well as African Studies. She is a married to Dr. Mikael Amdemariam and together they have two children.
